Consumer Consent is the No-Code Solution to Handling Dynamic One-to-One Consent

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What You Need to Know About

One-to-One Consent

Future proof your lead gen strategies in preparation for the new FCC one-to-one consent updates.

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Is your business ready for the new FCC changes? The leads you generate must be compliant by

January 2025

What to Know About One-to-One Consent

Read our One-to-One white paper series to discover our thoughts and ideas on navigating these changes in the lead generation industry.

The New Regulatory Landscape

The FCC's new ruling brings major changes for lead generation.

No More Unsolicited Calls

Consumers can only receive calls from businesses to which they have explicitly given their consent.

Marketing Partner Lists Are Out

Publishers can't sell leads to whoever they want. Consumers choose who gets their info.

Direct Consent Required

Businesses need to get consumer consent directly on the publisher's website and keep proof.

Form Flows Will Change

Traditional lead forms and funnels may require a technical revamp.

We're Launching a 1-to-1 Consent Solution for Site Owners Soon!